Here in the website the visitors privacy is followed strictly. Following are brief description of the privacy policy indicating what types of information of viewers is received & how itis used.

1. Doubleclick DART cookies

By using advertising partners ads for this website, at any time our partners 
may use cookies (like Dart cookies,other cookies) & web beacons in this website for
serving ads to the site viewers when viewers visits the website from browsers.

Those third party advertising servers use best technology to the advertisements
which appears on this website sent  to viewers internet browsers directly.
by this way they receive IP addresses and others info of viewer's computer. has least control over these advertiser cookies. 

You can decide whether or not you want to accept these cookies by your browsers.

2. The links to other sites

This site may contain links to other websites for specific purposes. If viewers go to those
linked websites or blogs, we will not be responsible for any security and privacy 
breach of users. Viewers are recommended to read privacy policy of those websites concerned.

3. We may not interchange, sell viewers personal information 

Information which we got by user comments or emails & other ways unless we have viewers permission to do so.

Finally, the contents in this website is written only by my team and not copied 
from internet, books, other sources. Please don't try to copy the contents of this website. 

That concludes the privacy policy for the website in brief.