Create twitter application and keys -
Step1: Login to your twitter account. Then go to this page - Click 'Create new app'. Following page will appear as shown in image below. enter all fields except Callback url, then check 'yes i agree' check box and click 'Create your twitter application' button.
you will get application generation success message and application details tab.
Step2: There click 'API keys' tab and you will see api key and secret codes as shown at the top of the image below. At bottom click 'Create my access token' button and your access token and token secret codes will be created after some time by refreshing the page if needed As shown finally in the image below -
copy that 'API key' value and put in 'Consumer key' box in 'Module view and main settings' tab in tweet module settings page. In the same way -
copy 'API secret' value into 'Consumer secret' box in tweet module settings page,
copy 'Access token' value in 'Access token' box in tweet module settings page,
copy 'Access token secret' value in 'Access secret' box in tweet module settings page and save module settings.
Configure module settings to display tweets -
1. In module view settings tab in settings page, select either "tweets" or "tweet slide" to display tweets normally with scroll or with sliding of tweets.
2. In "Tweets and slide view general settings" tab select for "Get tweets by" to display tweets from a user or hashtag or search string.
3. Acoording to that selection above enter your twitter username or hashtag or search string in the corresponding setting input box( twitter user name, hashtag(excluding #), search string)
4. Rest of the settings are relating with layuout/general settings of your tweet display.
5. "Tweet slide view settings" tab are for customizing displaying tweet slide display
tweet modules save tweet data to module database table to overcome the problem of request limit to as summarized in "Important" section above this doc, if you used different combinations of tweet display by setting different twitter usernames/hashtags/search strings and number of tweets then many rows of data were created, which you can clear by setting the view - 'clear tweet cache data' from module view settings and loading the module at frontend. A submit button will appear to clear all cache data from database.